heydy yalls in the ether,
A recent study found that women who sniffed men's boxer shorts were later more likely to make risky financial decisions. So many of us can't make it to New York this season to catch Neue Galerie's reexamining of the 1937 Degenerate Art Exhibit, or the Sigmar Polke retrospective at MoMA. On Main street, May 1st, The Kitsch Mobile (running diminished capacity) salutes our German sybarite forebearers. In the "air" of 1920s Berlin, and in the wake of Woody Allen, we present for your delectation morally compromised art. We need your help to cover all forms of perversion. If debauchery isn't in your modus operandi, then come delight in hurling insults(or ricocheting glow in the dark bouncy balls) at art or artists you find insulting. Once you are down conflating Michael Jackson with modernism, we can delve into how much of humanity is depravity. Only some of us can pronounce neue sachlichkeit, but we can all go balls to the wall.